Many homeowners think about their dream kitchen daily. After all the kitchen is the center of the home, right in the middle of all the coming and going that takes place in almost any home. The concept of beginning with blank walls and filling in every aspect of your home kitchen may be a little overwhelming. However, if you take it step by step it is very simple for any homeowner and dreamer to play a major role in home design and enjoy it along the way.

You can start by discussing the following themes of your kitchen:

  • Color Palette-Determine specific colors you want to incorporate into your kitchen. Determine whether or not you want dark, warm colors or bright colors. Don’t feel pressure to pick paint colors at this stage, but be able to differentiate between types of color palettes that you would like to see in your kitchen.
  • Finish Types-After you have a set color palette it will be easier to choose types of finishes. Finishes can refer to cabinetry, flooring, drawer pulls, light fixtures, backsplashes, etc. This is really where you determine the look. One of the best ways to understand the types of finishes you like is to look at pictures and collect all the different photos you are drawn to and write down why you like them. This will help you piece together all of your favorite items into one place…your new kitchen!
  • Kitchen CabinetryNatural Materials-The use of natural materials can really set a custom kitchen apart from the rest. For kitchens with a warm color palette, it may be incorporating the use of brick as an accent wall or using natural stones for a backsplash with a white kitchen. It all depends on your style and what types of materials are appealing to you. If you live by the sea or in a coastal area, you may want to incorporate shell-like materials such as frosted glass tiles into your home design.
  • Functionality-Once you have determined the color palettes and feel of finishes in your space it is important to know and express the type of functionality you need in this space. Do you need a place to seat 8 people at an island or would you prefer a smaller seating area in the kitchen or none at all. Here are a few things to consider when looking at functionality:
  • Square Footage- Once your builder understands how you use the space and what you expect out of your new kitchen, they will be able to determine approximate square footage for your needs. This is also a good time to discuss the flow of the room. Is this an open space or a room with four walls and a specific doorway? Your builder/designer will have several questions for you when discussing the size of the room. They should be able to estimate the square footage based on all of these details, however, once the overall home design and home square footage is determined you should receive a better idea of the actual size of the room.

After all of these ideas are brought together to create your new kitchen, there are still many decisions that need to be made. However, if you supply all of the information above to your builder or contractor they will be able to narrow down specific product choices for you, keeping you from feeling overwhelmed in the process.
Whitmire Custom Homes has over 30 years of experience in building custom and luxury homes in North Georgia. Learn more about our history or contact us for more information about designing and building your next home.